Julia Middleton is passionate about helping people to develop as leaders, and campaigns to encourage leaders from all backgrounds to make an active and tangible contribution to their communities and to wider society. In the autumn of 1989, Julia launched Common Purpose, which has grown to be one of the biggest leadership development organisations in the world. Julia has helped in the founding of: Demos (an independent think tank), Impetus Trust (developing venture philanthropy in the UK) and was also involved in the founding of the Media Standards Trust (fostering high standards in the news media) and Alfanar (developing venture philanthropy in the Arab world) and is now on the board of both. She also sits on the International Advisory Council for Fundação Dom Cabral (a non-profit business institution in Brazil). Julia was born in London and educated at French Lycées around the world. She worked for the Industrial Society after receiving an economics degree from the London School of Economics. She is married and has five children. Julia is the author of the bestselling book Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World. Her latest book Cultural Intelligence - CQ: the Competitive Edge for Leaders Crossing Borders was published in 2014. Julia defines Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as "the ability to cross divides and thrive in multiple cultures".