Nadia Gamal lives in the village of Beni Mahdi. She is 32 years old, and married with three young children. Funding her children’s education has been her main motivation to seek work. “My husband drifted away from our family after moving to Cairo in the hope of finding a more reliable job,” she says. “It was then that I realised I needed to help him with paying for our children’s expenses.”

“I got involved with Future Eve. I was taught how to raise poultry safely and economically, and was given training by a veterinarian in bird health. These lessons inspired me to start my own business buying young poultry, rearing them in an efficient and healthy way and then selling them later for profit. To get the business started I used the fund to take out a loan of one hundred Egyptian pounds. The business has been a big success; I now have not only have nearly paid off my loan, I have also been able to help my husband by making financial contributions towards my children’s education.”