Unemployed Youth Give Digital Jobs to 260 Youth in Lebanon COVID-19 will wipe out 1.7 million jobs across the Middle East. With youth unemployment already at 30%, and Lebanon in economic crisis, we must act now to create jobs. TARGET: £100,000 IMPACT: 260 Youth Give Disadvantaged Youth Freelance Digital Work - £32,000 gives 150 unemployed youth jobs as digital freelancers - £10,500 trains 50 youth in remote outsourced work - £210 employs one youth as a digital freelancer Alfanar is strengthening B.O.T's ability to recruit, train and provide much-needed digital, remote outsourcing jobs to disadvantaged youth in Lebanon. ACT NOW: GIVE YOUTH DIGITAL WORK Create Coding Jobs for Lebanese Youth - £44,000 helps 110 youth become coders - £2,800 gives intensive coding training to one youth - £350 gives online web development training to one youth Alfanar is working with SE Factory to expand throughout Lebanon and to shift its intensive coding training online in order to continue preparing Lebanese youth to secure jobs in this critical time. ACT NOW: CREATE CODING JOBS Manage Cookie Preferences